Mr. Frank Lung, Partner, Finance & Investment

WhatsApp: +852 5972 5718
WeChat: FrankLung2013

Mr Lung has over 20 years’ experience in global financial management, covering insurance and wealth management, fund management, international investment banking, real estate, pharmaceutical and biotech, telecommunications, media and technology (TMT), consumer goods, natural resources and energy etc.

He is currently the Managing Director of CITIC Hyperion, CSCD Hyperion Strategic Limited. In the past, he was the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer of international hedge funds and several listed REITs, specialising in fund investment strategy and implementation, fund governance, operation supervision, financial analysis, financial derivatives management and multinational tax planning. Funds under management amounted to USD 4.7 billion.

He was the Chief Financial Officer of ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (ABN AMRO) in Taiwan and the Regional Finance Director of North Asia; and the Financial Director of South Asia Investment Banking for Standard Chartered Bank.
Mr. Lung obtained his MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management, a joint program between The University of Sydney and The University of New South Wales (Australia) and a BS in Business from the University of Technology, Sydney and is a Certified Practicing Accountant in Australia (ASCPA).

Mr. Frank Lung
Partner, Finance & Investment

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